Donations and sponsorship for Nunney Fayre Day 2024

Nunney Fayre Day on 27th July 2024 is organised and run by the Nunney Community Association. We want the Fayre to be as accessible as possible and we don’t charge for entry. Nothing. Nada. Ziltch.

To do this, we need to raise money through donations and sponsorship.


You can donate at any time up to, during, and after Nunney Fayre Day. Everyone that donates up to 24 hours before the day will have their names displayed at the Fayre on the ‘Thanks To’ boards (unless you’d rather keep it under your hat).

Donations go towards the costs of the loos (glamorous or what?) and road closure and signage fees (safety first people!).

Everyone who makes a donation before Nunney Fayre Day is entered into the prize draw to help open the Fayre.

I want to donate

Fayre Day Sponsorship

We’re looking for individuals and businesses who would like to sponsor anything and everything including the kid’s area, live entertainment, St Johns Ambulance and the hire of the road closure stewards.

Sponsors get a spot in the programme, on the ‘Thanks To’ boards and banners at the castle, regular shout outs during the live music with logos displayed on the website and Fayre Day publicity.

If you’d like more information about sponsorship and what a difference it makes to Nunney please email: